9a. Create a low-carbon non-functional requirement (NFR) for the project

Lifecycle phases

Alpha Beta


(i) Create the Non-functional Requirement

Sustainability should be regarded as a factor that has influence over all other project requirements, with a Non-functional requirement covering the whole lifecycle of the service (from production through to use and then end-of-life), and setting metrics so success can be measured.

9b. Choose the right collaborative practices for the team


(i) Choosing collaboration tools and approach to document sharing

The right collaboration tools for particular tasks, such as digital whiteboard software for workshops and diagramming, can save teams time and effort, in turn reducing energy consumption. Share documents via use of platforms synchronised with a shared server rather than email where possible.

(ii) Have a plan in place for travel

Business travel usually has a very significant environmental footprint. Put tech packages and policies in place to mean business travel is only used when delivering absolute benefit.

(iii) Have a clear approach to meetings

Set up purposeful meetings, with a clear agenda and actions to takeaway. If the meetings are online, turn off video after the initial intros have been made. If the meetings are in-person, then ensure there is a clear rationale for doing so and the most is made from gathering the team together in one place.


There are a number of tools that can help us estimate a team's or individual's environmental footprint:

9c. Provide teams the necessary training to deliver greener services

The Digital Sustainability Team at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are doing work to gather together relevant training resources. See: